Dita Lily Turns Two

photo credit: gogogadgetscott Today is a special day in the del Rio house. Dita Lily “Pickle” del Rio turns two today. As my gift to her, and you, I am allowing her to answer a question I overheard at the … Continued

A Very Special Questions

I have been preoccupied lately. Mainly reading through and listening to the commentary about the overdose of Alex Lluch. So I am running a special $5 (significantly lower than usual) for any questions you have, about anything, and 100% of … Continued

What Is Love?

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Sometimes love means never letting go: Sometimes love means giving in: Love is a strange thing. It crushes, kills and changes everything else. Love isn’t what makes you wake up in the morning — largely that is obligation. Love can’t … Continued

Battling These Helliments

Sorry all going to Portland for a wedding. I am the Best Man so tonight I am going to be Bachelor Partying. Tomorrow I will probably be answering stripper related questions. As in either questions from strippers or questions about … Continued

Bum Fighter

photo credit: JenniferWoodardMaderazo The guy at the corner of Denny and Stewart is pretty territorial.  Sometimes you’ll get him and then another pan-handler kitty-corner, and there are nothing but nasty glares going back and forth.  Apparently it’s prime pan-handling real … Continued

It’s A Hard Nut Life

If he keeps this up he is going to get “Eated”: Can squirrels vomit? I have never seen it. I have seen many squirrels and other rodents, but I don’t think I have ever seen any of them get sick … Continued

Yawns and Kitties

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photo credit: Tigerlily / * unique魔窟 * Why are yawns contagious? -Joanna I believe that yawns are the result of either a need to equalize pressure in your sinus cavity and ears or the desire to redistribute chemicals in your … Continued

Making It Up As I Go

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photo credit: ml_diva Today I got a surprise. A little button it said: I Make Stuff Up. I was snuck up on and pinned. It has been an ongoing joke that I have an entertaining remembrance of the past. I … Continued