My Dream Bike


photo credit: jhenryrose Back in the bygone days of 2004 I had more time than money, so, my bike geekiness had to take a backseat to cost. Today I am going to moon over what my dream bike would be … Continued

Why Do You Do This?

photo credit: dancing_triss Why make a bathing suit in 1940s style if it wont hold 1940s style breasts? Where is a girl with ….curves…to find bad-ass retro swimwear? – Sent From Portland What are 40’s style breasts? Size Chart size … Continued

11 Things I am Kind of Eating

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photo credit: -fumtu The New York Times thinks that we don’t eat healthy so they gave a list of 11 things you should eat for health. And I am going to explain why you don’t eat these things. Beets: You … Continued

Space Poo


I have been hearing this question forever: How do astronauts go to the bathroom? On earth they follow the same procedure everyone else does, drink a cup of coffee, strip down naked, take care of business, then take a shower. … Continued

How To Make Your Friend Quit Smoking

We need a plan for our coworker to quit smoking. His girlfriend quit a year ago, but clearly hasn’t made much progress towards changing. He has been saying he’ll quit after each major milestone, for over a year now. My … Continued

The New Rock Paper Scissors Involves Cheese

photo credit: ben pollard Jessica from Seattle asked me an oddly subversive question: So, in the cartoons, cats and mice hate each other but they both love cheese. Oh, and dogs hate cats in the cartoons, what’s with that? Well, … Continued

Overheard In Seattle

photo credit: Helico When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny? -Overheard This is a topic of great philosophical debate. It spans all the way back to 383 BC when Meteorocotes posed the Doppleranus. If there … Continued

Why Does My Dog Eat Poo?


photo credit: zimpenfish Seriously, Carlos, why does your dog insist on eating her poop? -Krystal Well, ever since I moved into the new house she has been eating a lot of grass. A very large quantity of grass, like she’s … Continued

What’s Wrong With Ling Ling’s Thing?


photo credit: bovinity Oatmeal (@ – W): @inflatemouse why don’t panda bears have more sex? nature is bullshit Well, Oatmeal, you make me think that I should start a series called “Animals Doing It.” So far I have covered how … Continued

Finally An Answer

photo credit: ♥ellie♥ dear carlos, where are the promised questions about, or by, strippers? eagerly, -chris Ah yes May 8th, 2008 I alluded to the possibility of stripper related questions. Well, unfortunately, I was sidetracked in the following days by … Continued