The Hardest Part of Growing Up

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photo credit: ….Tim What is the hardest part of growing up? -CJ There are a lot of hardships in growing up. Frankly, it probably isn’t worth the effort. Here is a short list of the things that you will lose … Continued

A Private Problem

credit: ♥ HunterJumper ♥ How do they fix a mans penis when it breaks? -Tori The answer to that question really depends on your definition of breaks. Do you mean stops working properly, like erectile dysfunction, or do you breaks … Continued

Truculence: Not As Tasty As You Think

credit: / juL / Why do Americans get so angry about politics? It doesn’t seem like many people even know what is happening. -Someone who wants to be anonymous First, do you know what truculence is? It is aggressive self-assurance, … Continued

How Long Can You Survive?

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I could survive for 167 seconds! chained to Matt Inman At Matt’s request I have altered the test to reflect fighting; rather than listening to him talk. Matt Inman is the man behind many a quiz on the Internet. He … Continued

Things Monkeys Like: Not White People


Overheard: Why aren’t there any monkeys here? Map of Monkeys: Pink = White People Orange = New World Monkeys Red = Old World Monkeys You will notice that there is a suspicious lack of monkeys in the high White People … Continued

A Mixed Bag of Nuts


What the fuck is “fire eagle”? what is it good for? why did i bookmark it? why did i sign up? – Chris FireEagle is Yahoo!’s version of DodgeBall. You remember DodgeBall, right? No, you don’t remember DodgeBall? Well it … Continued

Is There A God?


credit: Hello_Serjiy Is there a god? – JeremyLuebke (@) Jeremy, that is a good question. And very hard to answer. Ultimately I think it falls on each of us to make some time to answer the question as an individual. … Continued

John Moroney Has Faith: Something Nice

Here is $5. I don’t know what question to ask. – John Moroney, from the coffee shop Thanks for having faith in me. In return, because it has taken so long for you to ask a question, I will say … Continued

There Can Be Only One, Me.

30 According to Matt Inman and the good people at OnePlusYou I could win a fair fight against 30 five-year-olds, approximately one first grade class. So that begs the question: What would it look like for 30 five year olds … Continued

I WILL Eat My Cake, Thank You.

credit: berbercarpet Is there anything you can put on a cake that would make it less appetizing? -Casey In the grand illusions that so many of you insist qualifies as Real Life there are a handful of questions that shake … Continued